Juan Francisco Salazar

Jǜan Francisco Salazar (born 1971) is a Chilean anthropologist and video maker. He has lived in Sydney, Australia since 1998. He holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Western Sydney where he is a lecturer in media studies and a researcher at the Centre for Cultural Research (CCR).[1][2] He has worked extensively in a wide range of cross-disciplinary research projects including consultancies for government and international non-governmental organizations. He has written several journal articles and book chapters on media anthropology and indigenous media in Latin America and is involved with several transnational advocacy groups such as OURMedia Network and CLACPI, the Coordinadora Latino Americana de Comunicacion de los Pueblos Indigenas. He has produced and directed several documentaries, experimental films and video installations exhibited internationally.

Other works

Exhibited at

He is also author of the book Screen Media Arts: Introduction to Concepts and Practices, co-written with Hart Cohen and Iqbal Barkat. Oxford University Press, 2009.
